Architecture Matters: Design and Civility In The Coming Year

SALA Architect Bryan Anderson

A few things became clear to me in 2017. Language matters. Facts matter. Intentions matter. Respect matters.The evidenced downgrading of each, across various platforms of our society, makes the practice of these essential components of civilization all the more crucial.

This thing we practice called Architecture also matters. It impacts our daily experience, our wellbeing, and our environment. What we create in the world should be something that betters it, for immediate users and future ones.

It is such a privilege to guide our clients through the process of design, to help them make informed decisions at every phase of their project. In doing so we must be thoughtful in our descriptions, both verbal and visual. We must use our experience and available data to offer suggestions, and compromise where and when it is needed. We must listen to the needs and desires of our clients, but also to remember our place (and impact) in the larger community.

We at SALA are so fortunate to do this work. To our clients and project teams, we enjoy learning from you while creating with you. Thank you to all who shared your dreams with us and entrusted us to develop and deliver an idea into the world. You matter, and our best to you in 2018!

SALA Architect Bryan Anderson