We started with a chunk of Western Red Cedar for a project we were working on starting in 2008. One of the goals for the project was to make the house look 100 years old as soon as it was built. We heard of a product called Lifetime. We ordered a sample and applied it to a portion of our log. At first the color was alarmingly green. At first glance this was not a good sign, however within an hour there was a definite darkening of the log. As per the instructions we placed it is the sun and within a week it was significantly darker yet.
This log has travelled from BC to the Midwest and is a great tool for us to show out clients. The blue tape represents the divisions between the different application products. Other products used include; two tints of Rubio Monocoat and linseed oil.
We recently applied Lifetime to a local pine and although it is not as dramatic, it's slowly turning dark. Different wood will react differently to Lifetime and to the sun/rain action. If the wood is dirty or has oil/paint etc – the Lifetime will not penetrate and will leave the original color in a patch.
We also had it applied to some local cedar for our soffit material. An important tip here is letting the wood sit in the sun and rain so the wood darkens! If immediately installed into a soffit, the wood will not receive the natural treatment necessary to appropriately darken the wood.
We have used this product on window and door frames to great success. The entire house really looks old and completely weathered.
As for the longevity and reapplication of the product, Lifetime states that you need not reapply. We have found this to be true. A phenomenal perk for exterior maintenance! This is applicable for differing species of wood and textures as shown here
Sara Whicher is an Intern Architect at SALA Architects, and has used the the Valhalco Lifetime Wood Treatment product on multiple projects. If you'd like read more about Valhalco Lifetime, you can visit their site HERE!